Lower Your Stress with Our Dental Answering Service

November 30, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 8:09 pm
happy front desk worker working with dental answering service

It’s almost that time of year again—time to festively decorate the office, file final insurance claims, and receive your staff members’ time-off requests. You want your team to enjoy time with their families, but you also need coverage for incoming phone calls and someone to schedule patient appointments while your team is unavailable.

With the holiday season fast approaching and everyone rushing to get their final dental visit in before insurance benefits reset in January, you may find yourself desperate for a dental answering service. Dental Support Specialties can supplement your staff’s efforts and sub in when your front desk team is out sick or on vacation. But will getting us up to speed with your software just add to your already high pile of work and stress? Absolutely not! Here are some ways we make your business run smoother during the holiday rush.


Broken Billing Process? We Can Fix It!

November 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 8:06 pm
stressed dentist in need of dental billing support

In most cases, when you buy a service or product, you simply pay for it, and that company gets the money right away. Dentistry doesn’t work that way. While cost effective for your patients, most of the time, insurance can be a huge headache for your team members. Even worse, problems with dental insurance can keep you from getting paid money you’re owed in a timely manner, hurting your practice’s revenue.

But more patients are taking advantage of their dental insurance benefits, making it that much more important to streamline the insurance billing process for your practice. In this post, you’ll learn more about the troubles of dental billing and how Dental Support Specialties can address them for you.


The Importance of Scheduling for Your Dental Answering Service

November 4, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 8:00 pm
messages light on office phone

“Leave a message at the beep.” How many times have you heard that and hung up right away? Probably too many to count, and you’re far from alone. In fact, according to NPR and The New York Times, people, especially Millennials, are leaving fewer voice mail messages than ever before. If you use a dental answering service that only takes messages and doesn’t schedule appointments, your practice could be losing chances to bring in new patients and significant money! Keep reading to learn how finding the right answering service can help your business grow.
