Grow in 2022: How Data Tracking and Chart Auditing Can Help

October 29, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 6:55 pm
dental team looking at data through chart auditing

There’s no doubt—we live in the information age. You have more computing power in your phone now than some computers just a few decades ago, and software systems have become much more advanced. As a small business owner, you need to harness the information available to you in order to bring in more revenue. But how? The answer is simple—data tracking and chart auditing. In this post, you’ll learn more about using the data you have to benefit your dental practice and why you should make these tasks a priority in 2022.


End the Year Right and Collect Insurance Bills

October 17, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 6:30 pm
calendar with dental instruments indicating the need to outsource dental verification

Believe it or not, 2021 is quickly drawing to a close. As a dentist, you know this means you could have a surge of patients trying to use their dental insurance benefits before they reset with the new year. Of course, bringing in more revenue is a good thing, but if you aren’t filing insurance payments efficiently, you’re putting your business at a serious disadvantage. Here’s how the process should go, what can go wrong, and why you should outsource dental verification with Dental Support Specialties.


Act Now: How Our Scheduling Support Can Help Your Practice Over the Holidays

October 5, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 6:34 pm
woman answering calls with holiday décor in the background

Although it may feel early to be thinking and planning for the holidays, it’s actually the right time to start looking ahead. You love the holidays, and you want your team to enjoy themselves with their loved ones. But who will be answering incoming phone calls while everyone’s out? During the holiday vacation, your patients may want to take advantage of their extra time to call your office and schedule appointments. If no one is there to answer, these patients won’t be able to get dental work in the calendar.

Perhaps you think turning the answering machine on will suffice, or maybe you have an answering service taking messages for you. At first glance, this kind of solution may seem to resolve the problem, but it doesn’t. Here’s the truth about most dental answering services and how Dental Support Specialties is different from the rest.
