The Value of Chart Auditing to Your Practice’s Success

November 21, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 8:38 pm
dental records

Can you believe that 2019 is almost over? As the new year approaches, people tend to look back at the previous year to see if they were able to achieve their goals, to find areas where they can improve in the year to come. But this reflection and goal setting doesn’t have to just apply to your personal life. You can also look back at how your practice has performed in 2019 and benefit from chart auditing. In this post, you’ll learn more about this service and how Dental Support Specialties can help your practice continue to grow in the future.

What is chart auditing?

The management software that your team members use can likely do so much more than just count the total number of patients you have. It tracks all kinds of specific, helpful information, but you need to know how to use it. Chart auditing analyzes your patient base to determine which are active in attending their regular checkups and which aren’t. You can also learn which patients have had treatment recommended but haven’t had it completed yet.

How can chart auditing help your practice?

Although attracting new patients can certainly play an important role in your practice’s success, you likely have existing patients who, for one reason or another, haven’t come into the office in a while. Chart auditing lets you know who these patients are, enabling you to reach out to them and reactivate them. By focusing some of your attention on these inactive patients, you have many more opportunities for bringing in more consistent business.

In addition, knowing exactly how many patients are active can give you a more accurate picture of your practice before making important business choices. For example, if you are considering purchasing new equipment or deciding how to spend your marketing budget, it would be helpful to have chart auditing information available to let you know how many existing patients still need to complete treatment. This information can help you figure out whether your patient base is likely to support and benefit from certain large business expenses.

Who can help with chart auditing and patient reactivation?

Between helping patients in the office, processing insurance claims, and other tasks, your team members are likely already busy, and you have your hands too full as well to handle chart auditing and reactivation calls on your own. The good news is that you don’t have to. Dental Support Specialties can perform these tasks for you and help you bring more inactive patients back into the practice.

Moving forward into 2020, you want to create a solid plan for growing your practice even more, and chart auditing can help you know where to you can be more efficient. By turning to Dental Support Specialties, you can feel more confident about your practice’s success.

About Dental Support Specialties

Dental Support Specialties was started in 2008 and has been serving dental practices around the country ever since. From dental scheduling support to dental answering services to chart auditing, they can take the burden off in-office practice staff members and allow them to focus on helping patients have a better experience. To take advantage of a free support analysis, click here. If you have questions about chart auditing, you can call (330) 639-1333 or click here.

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