We Use Your Management Software!

February 14, 2018

Woman looking at online calendarWhen you picked your dental office management software, you probably spent countless hours talking to sales teams, using trial software, and crunching the numbers, so you know the software you chose is the best one for your office. Then, your team spent weeks or months learning this software. When you decide to seek out extra help with your patient scheduling, guess what? The scheduling service uses a different software, and they expect your team to convert to this system. It’s more than frustrating. It’s a waste of time and money. Lucky for you, there’s a better option – Dental Support Specialties. We’re not your typical dental support and scheduling service provider. One of the unique factors that sets us apart is that we train our team to use your software – not the other way around. Even better, our team members are trained to use the majority of dental management systems, so they may not even need additional training to get started offering support.