An 80% Conversion Rate is BS Says Local Dental Answering Service

May 6, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 7:04 pm

A woman with her hands folded against her face.When you speak with a marketing consultant for your practice, do they tell you that reaching a certain conversion rate is necessary? Do they hound you for not reaching rates as high as 80 percent? If so, you should know that reaching that percentage is actually nonsense. That’s why your local dental answering service wanted to provide practices three factors that actually help you keep patients.

The three points of success for landing quality conversion and a better patient base include process, people, and patients.


How a Dental Answering Service Helps You Build Patient Connections

May 3, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsupportteam @ 5:04 pm

A man speaking on the phone.

As a practice, you understand that getting that conversion is key to building up your patient base. However, it can be difficult to keep that patient’s interest elevated. In some medical practices, no-show rates can reach as high as 50 percent, leading to tens of thousands of dollars in lost revenue. Uninterested patients also waste your time and the time of your other dental staff.

To convert calls into appointments, reduce the no-show rate, and find the right patients to build your base, you need a dental answering service to build sustainable connections with patients.
